In this day and age, life can get so hectic that we just can't seem to get enough hours in the day to get everything that we need done. No matter how hard we try, it always seems like we are letting something or someone down, and that in turn can cause us a large amount of guilt. I am going to give you an example of a day in my life, from the time I awake until the time that I go to bed. Now these things don't always get done in order, but they are things that I have to tackle on a daily basis, and this is something that is an every day thing, there are never any days off.
I wake up and get dressed, change my son and get him dressed (he has cerebral palsy and is deaf and in a wheelchair), make the beds, put on a load of laundry, make breakfast, eat and clean the kitchen, We have 4 dogs in the house, so there are dog pads to change, they have to be fed and watered. I do more laundry, pray my Rosary, answer emails, try to get in a few minutes of writing, do more laundry, change my son if needed, have lunch, clean the bathroom, and family room, think about what I am going to make for dinner, do Bible time, and more laundry, I try to get in a thirty minute nap, cook dinner, eat and do dishes, change my son and get him ready for bed, spend some time with my husband so he does not feel left out, I watch the 11 o'clock news, one last check on emails and Facebook, and then hit the hay, and do it all over again the next day. And then on Sunday's, Wednesday's and Holy Day's go to Mass, and twice a month to the grocery store and pay bills.
The three things that are most important and ones that I make it a point to do each and every day are praying my Rosary, Bible time and the much welcomed nap time. If for some reason I don't get those three things accompoished, then I feel like I have let the entire day down, and when that happened I would always feel so bad and guilty, but then I read a quote from Mother Teresa that changed my entire way of thinking.
I was putting way to much on myself and expecting way to much out of myself. I was setting expectations that were unrealistic and when I did not accomplish everything, then I felt like I was letting God down. But I wasn't, God doesn't expect us to be perfect, all He asks of us is to be faithful and do our best. Now don't get me wrong, that huge list above still has to be done each and every day, but I don't get so stressed out about it anymore. I do the best that I can and I know in my heart that I have pleased the Lord, and in the end that is all that really matters.
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