Friday, February 21, 2020

There Is No Power In A Bead

I know that by the title of this article you would probably think that I was a Protestant knocking the Rosary, but let me reassure you that is not the case, I had a Protestant minister tell me that. OK let me start at the beginning, I had bought a new set of Rosary beads, and I posted a picture of them on my Facebook, see I am very hard on Rosary beads mine always seem to break very easily, and so I had bought me a set that was made out of the thin rope so I figured they would last longer and that is what I put under my picture. I had a Protestant minister comment saying that there is no power in a bead, like I thought that the Rosary beads themselves had some kind of magical power. See it is comments like this that Protestant ministers make that cause their congregations to think ill of the Catholic Church, they don't know the truth, they are going solely on the untruths that their ministers are teaching them. I know first hand there were many times when I was a Protestant that untruths were taught and preached to me, I am just so glad that I choose to search things out for myself and I was able to learn the beautiful truths about this wonderful Church. But back to the title of this article, first let us see what Wikipedia says a Rosary bead is:

Since the beads are fingered in an automatic manner, they allow the user to keep track of how many prayers have been said with a minimal amount of conscious effort, which in turn allows greater attention to be paid to the prayers themselves.

Now do you see anything in that description that says that Rosary beads have magically powers? No. It is simply a tool that one can use to keep track of the number of prayers being said. Now I am well aware that the Protestants will fire back and say that you are not suppose to repeat a prayer over and over and well we will tackle that in my next article.
My Rosary beads mean allot to me, they bring me comfort just looking at them or holding in my times of distress, I am well aware that they beads are not going to cause my pain to go away but it is what they represent, I know that they are used in my prayer time with the Lord and so when I look at them, or hold them they make me think of my precious Lord, and I don't see one thing wrong with that, do you?

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